Changes ahead

my story about me

Changes ahead

I wonder whether after this crisis there will be a change in fashion. Whether in 30 years’ time, the books about the history of fashion will report that in “the twenties” of this decade there were some fundamental changes of some sort due to the COVID crisis.

Like in the twenties of the last decade, after World War I. Women went from wearing tight corsets to dancing in loosely fitted, short, sleeveless dresses. Because they wanted to feel free and light. Or in the fifties, after World War II, when Christian Dior introduced the New Look. A look, emphasizing the womans` hourglass figure, a tiny waist. Women wanted to feel ladylike and like the perfect housewife.

It`s just fun

Fashion used to react to crises and political changes. Because people long for change after a period of difficulties. So let`s see if there is going to be another fashion revolution after this current crisis, too. Maybe we `re heading into the aera of the pyjama style. Wide comfy trousers with matching sweaters. I would be in for it.

That`s what I like about fashion: It`s “just” fashion, it`s always fun, whatever the change. As long as we shop mindfully, ideally second-hand, and not from brands that exploit their workers and the environment of course.

Currently, I love my home office-look: baggy pullovers, sports-pants, tucked into think socks, and scrunchie in the hair.  What are you wearing lately, and what trend would you like to see coming?

Neues vor uns

Mal schauen, ob es nach dieser Krise einen Wandel in der Mode gibt. Ob die Bücher über Modegeschichte in 30 Jahren berichten werden, dass es „in den Zwanzigern“ dieses Jahrhunderts wegen der COVID-Krise eine Moderevolution gab.

Wie in den Zwanzigern des letzten Jahrhunderts, nach dem ersten Weltkrieg. Frauen haben statt enger Korsetts lieber in weit geschnittenen, kurzen, ärmellosen Kleidern getanzt. Denn sie wollten sich frei und leicht fühlen. Oder in den Fünfzigern, nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, als Christian Dior den New Look einführte. Ein Look, der die Sanduhr-Figur der Frau, eine schmale Taille, betonte. Frauen wollten sich damenhaft fühlen und wie die perfekte Hausfrau.

Nur Spaß

Mode hat immer auf Krisen und politische Veränderungen reagiert. Weil Leute nach schwierigen Zeiten Lust auf was anderes haben. Also mal schauen, ob es nach dieser aktuellen Krise wieder eine Moderevolution gibt. Vielleicht gehen wir in eine Ära des Pyjama-Styles. Weite, bequeme Hosen mit passenden Sweatshirts. Ich wäre dabei!  

Das mag ich an der Mode so sehr: Es ist “nur” Mode, sie macht immer Spaß, egal wie sie sich ändert. Solange wir bewusst einkaufen natürlich, also am besten second-hand und nicht von Marken, die ihre Arbeiter und die Umwelt ausbeuten.

Gerade mag ich meinen Homeoffice-Look: Weite Pullis, Sporthosen, in dicke Socken gestopft, und Scrunchie im Haar.  Was trägst du so in letzter Zeit und welchen Trend würdest du gerne sehen?

Lockdown Photography

lockdown photography rubber gloves on washing machine


How hard times can help your photography

Die originale Version dieses Posts auf Deutsch, “Lockdown-Fotografie”, wurde auf dem bekannten Fotoblog veröffentlicht. Hier ist die englische Übersetzung:

Do you recall the last days before your personal Corona lockdown? I remember them like it was yesterday and the pictures that I`ve taken. I had a strange feeling sitting in a coffee shop on Bethnal Green Road in London, just having read the headlines of the first COVID death in England. Somehow, I have taken deeper breaths that day trying to soak in as much freedom and fresh air as possible. And I have photographed even more than usual.

Despite all the weirdness of the situation, I knew that at least I could always document everything with my camera. That I don`t need to passively wait, but that I can actively move my focus on something. That has given me some feeling of control and at the same time a creative challenge.

Home Photography Lockdown Photography window view
Home-Photography Lockdown Photography bed sheets

Documenting being at home

As a matter of fact, the challenge soon turned out to be documenting being at home. During that time, I found it more helpful than ever to photograph „what is“. Even though there wasn`t happening much – after all, I was at home all the time – in my head there was going on a lot. Somehow, I wanted to find a way to express that.

And really, the more confined we are the more of a challenge this becomes, and the more there is to learn. I have been following the „One-picture-a-day-projects“ of other photographers and I`ve noticed that they haven`t just captured something very special , but as well that they have become much more sensitive to the ordinary.  

Lockdown Photography Glasses by the window Home-Photography

Each days' hero shot

Somewhere, I`ve read about a man, who couldn`t get around much due to his poor health. However, he went for a daily walk around the block with his camera. He probably didn`t get THE shot every day. But because he kept on going persistently looking for the special on his everyday route, he eventually kept discovering more and more.

Do you know when the light on your sink is at its best? Since Corona I know that – and I have noticed how that changed when my boyfriend blocked parts of the window with wooden panels. Lucky enough I didn`t know then, that now, meanwhile in Germany, I would still talk about Corona. I just tried to focus on one day at a time and get each days hero shot.

Each night I would be looking forward to reviewing my “pictures of the day” when transferring them to my phone before I went to sleep. That was my incentive – I`m sure you know the joy of finding a picture that you really love when scanning through your photos. (And by that I don`t mean technical perfection, but a picture with expression and meaning, one that evokes a feeling. That`s a different topic though…)

Home Photography How to remember light trail lockdown photography
Home-Photography, Lockdown Photography cat looking out

Open to surprises

As a photographer, I want to become better and better. And sometimes weird circumstances feature surprising opportunities to learn and to evolve. Times of restriction invite us to look out for our hero-shot of the day. And to consider the possibility that the most boring, stupid, or difficult situation might turn out as the moment of the day, at least in terms of photography.

I do recommend trying this approach for yourself. Especially when in a low mood, it can feel like hard work to pick up the camera. Yet after a few days it will become second nature and you will anticipate making progress with your personal at-home-project.

Head to to read the original, German version of this article. 

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