Profession: Artist
What it means to be a professional artist – and to say: “Look, I`ve made this!”
RANDOM NOTES. The atmosphere under these floodlights was surreal, like in an American movie. The bond and spirit of the team were so present.
STUFF WE LEARN FROM TIME. Do you sometimes wish you could turn back time? Me: yes – but only if I knew then what I know today.
NEVERTHELESS. When life gets crazy, intentionally take time to document the present as it is. Snap – breathe – feel the feet on the ground – pray – trust. Nevertheless.
ABOUT INTENTIONAL PLANNING. A plan and a clear intention is very important for a photoshoot and it can be very helpful in everyday life, too.
ABOUT THE SECRETS WE KEEP. Christine Eggert is an Instagram Influencer and for years she had kept a secret. Letting it go was not just helpful for her and her career, but others can feel encouraged, too.
IN HINDSIGHT When looking at old photographs, I have been noticing that times often appear nicer as they felt when I was passing them.
ABOUT THE STORIES WE TELL. For my new photo project „A day in your life” I have had postcards printed and have started placing them in shops and coffee places in London.
THE CAMERA AS A TOOL TO SEE NOW. One of the most important reasons why I came up with the “A day in your life” project is, that I hope to encourage us (me included) to appreciate what we have and who we are today. This is so essential for living.
DOCUMENT YOUR “FULL EXPERIENCE OF LIFE”. Whatever happens (or whatever doesn`t happen), there`ll always be opportunities for pictures. However eventless or mundane our day may be, we still can document what we see and how we feel with our camera.
ABOUT THE SPECIAL FEELING AT THE START OF AUTUMN. “April has never meant much to me, autumn seems to be that season of beginning, of spring.” – Truman Capote in Breakfast at Tiffany`s.
HOW TO DRESS IN YOUR STYLE. I`ve never really thought about what style or “finding your style” really means. In the German dictionary, style is described as „a characteristic way to express something”.
Give it a try and make a “pictures of summer” album. The major surprise will come later: Looking back after let`s say a few months and going through your highlight pictures, it will hit you: How blessed you are! How many good moments you captured that otherwise would have passed unnoticed.
HOW TO CREATE MOOD AND FEELING WITH LIGHT. Some of my favourite photographs are of light. By that, I mean light as the main element; those pictures that are purely about the light.
HOW TO DEAL WITH CRITICISM. Five thoughts after a rather harsh experience with criticism.
HOW MAKING APPOINTMENTS FOR YOUR TASKS IS FREEING UP YOUR TIME. Time Manager Dave Crenshaw is calling this “positive procrastination”.
HOW TO ALLOW FOR MORE ENJOYMENT Would we ever regret having enjoyed too much in our life? Practise to enjoy on purpose.
HOW FASHION PHOTOGRAPHS HELP YOU CLEAR OUT YOUR WARDROBE. Detail shots of clothes or shoes are not pointless at all.
THE SECRETS OF HAPPINESS. It’s good to loosen up at times. To do stuff with no ambition.
HOW TO REMEMBER. …even if I have never seen the photograph itself: if I have taken a picture, an event is much more likely to stay in my memory.